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Adjustment Coaching

The Process


 As with all of our coaching services, Adjustment Coaching begins with an Initial Assessment & Consultation, which typically takes about 90 minutes. Once your coach has a solid grip on your situation, you’ll be able to move forward. 


Unlike therapy, which often focuses on your history, past experiences and diagnoses, coaching is present and future-based work. Once we have figured out the problem you want to address, we’ll pinpoint a tangible goal to work towards and focus on the actionable steps we can take to get you there. 


While separation and divorce are both major adjustments, they’re not the only things that may necessitate Adjustment Coaching. If you’ve recently lost a loved one, received a troubling medical diagnosis, changed career paths, made a cross-country move, or sent your kids off to college, you’re also experiencing a sense of loss. You’re mourning what is no more. Processing loss and adjustment is different for everyone, therefore we tailor this service for each individual. 


Much of the work we’ll do in these sessions is about turning inward. You may feel lost or blunted, but the path forward exists if you look hard enough for it. The ultimate goal of this work is to reach the acceptance phase of change. To get there, we’ll provide you with insight, education, coping skills, and hands-on support. Feeling alone makes difficult situations that much harder to deal with. So we’ll walk beside you and help you find comfort in your new situation while figuring out a game plan for the future. 


Why It’s Beneficial


The biggest benefit of Adjustment Coaching as opposed to say, therapy, is its action-oriented approach. In therapy, all the “work” happens in your sessions. There are set boundaries and often little to no contact between sessions. Coaching is much more flexible. There can be communication between sessions, and your coach is expecting to do a bit more hand-holding than a therapist would be able to do. 


Where therapy focuses on pathology and dysfunction and unraveling those things, coaching operates under the belief that you are 100% capable of moving forward. All that you need to do is harness your inner potential. And with the hands-on help of an Adjustment Coach, that’s exactly what we’ll do. 


Who You’ll Be Working With


Nikki, Glenn & Shawnta all provide this service. Finding a good fit for your personality is key to having a successful coaching relationship, so you will have the opportunity to look over their bios and backgrounds and schedule a complimentary 30-minute conversation with the coach of your choice before moving forward to your Initial Assessment & Consultation. Coaching is a very personal type of work. Your coach is not a blank sounding board. So who you work with (and the obstacles they’ve overcome in their life) is an important part of the process. 


Further Reading 


  • Managing Difficult Life Transitions 
    This article was penned by a licensed mental health professional with extensive experience in managing life adjustments and transitions. It breaks down examples of life transitions as well as the stages of adjustment and coping skills you can develop to manage those difficult periods of your life. 


  • Transitioning Survival Guide
    In this personal recollection of enduring major life transitions, the author lays out the four main lessons gleaned from a time of serious upheaval. 




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2401 Westbend Pkwy, Suite 2070, New Orleans, LA 70114

Phone: (504)363-7449 | Fax: (504)363-7077

Copyright © Family Mediation & Divorce Center, LLC 2025

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